
A flying squirrel misses an acorn, instead hoping for apple pie, as it dodges a patch of blue blocks on its descent into a new opportunity.


Multi-blue hued showers fall upon a dark patch of shamrocks showing robust strength and luck by thriving in orange-red clay.

A rainbow darkens below colorful black-lined clouds floating through a purpled orange sky heading for night.

Half life

A peacock backs into an orange and red shield signaling truth. A conifer grows from the side of a steep, gray cliff. The sharp blue point of a blade threatens to cut it all by half right after the purple bird annoyed by the peacock’s howls flees.


A blue blob encapsulated in a blood red rectangular cube, perhaps a prison. Three orange birds flutter above indifferent like nature to the blob’s troubles. Maybe the rising green mists are a sign of caring or else a gassy doom.

Showers expected

The green bar from a rainbow escapes betwixt as glittery red showers close in.

Sticky situations

Stickers and layered hearts abound in front of fertile greens.


Happy snowman, in good proportion, longs for a new cold awaiting his assured demise of the rising sun.

Brief equals

Brad tried preaching the economics of inequality to a local community group of diverse ages and backgrounds. They weren’t interested in Brad’s theories. He gave up and asked to join in the group’s weekly soccer match. He played for 67 weeks, helping the team make the playoffs twice before finishing his master’s degree and joining a hedge fund.


A scared cat driven mad by its curiosities steps daintily over broken words, promising to those afflicted: never again. Hands idle close by.


Smack! The black-backed jackal pack attacked a yak for a tasty snack.